
Grassroots Sport Fund – Applications Now Open

  The Grassroots Sport Fund is part of the NSW Government’s Community Sport Recovery Package – helping support the sector to get back on its feet. The Grassroots Sport Fund will provide a one-off grant of up to $1,000 to

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Return to Competition Education Sessions

Ground Manager

Ahead of the commencement of the 2020 Community Football Season, AFL NSWACT will be hosting a number of free online education sessions. Ground Manager Education Session Ground Manager webinar is primarily for prospective new Ground Managers but could also be

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Return to Contact Training from 1 July

From Today, Wednesday 1 July, Clubs and Teams will be permitted to return to contact training and match practice.  In line with the recently revised NSW Public Health (COVID-19 Restrictions on Gathering and Movement) Order (No 4) 2020, and the

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AFL Season to kick off in July

After last week announcing the commencement of the 2020 Junior AFL Season, the AFL Hunter Central Coast Board this week has been able to announce season dates for the 2020 Senior AFL Season. AFL NSW/ACT and the Hunter Central Coast

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Return to Play Update – June 2

Dear AFL Community Clubs and local stakeholders, The NSW Government has announced that Junior leagues can return to play from the 1st of July. The Hunter Central Coast AFL Board will meet tomorrow to determine a start date and season length

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National Reconciliation Week 2020

In 2020 Reconciliation Australia marks twenty years of  shaping Australia’s journey towards a more just, equitable and reconciled nation. Reconciliation is a journey for all Australians – as individuals, families, communities, organisations and importantly as a nation. At the heart of this

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Green Light Given for Clubs to Return to Small Group Training

We are pleased to announce that Community Football Clubs have be given the green light to return to training in groups up-to 10 persons. Following the revised NSW Public Health Order which came into effect Friday 15 May, AFL NSW/ACT

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Return to Play Update – May 16

Dear AFL Community Clubs and local stakeholders, Returning to training in a safe, hygienic and controlled manner is paramount to the AFL. The safety and wellbeing of our participants is our number one priority. AFL NSW/ACT understands that the NSW

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Thank you to our Volunteers that make Footy!

National Volunteer Week is the annual celebration to acknowledge the generous contribution of our nation’s volunteers, including those who perform all key roles in footy clubs. The year 2020 started with volunteer fire fighters risking their lives to protect others.

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2020 Community Building Partnership Grants Open

The NSW Government’s Community Building Partnership Grant Program to assist community AFL clubs with infrastructure projects has now opened for 2020. The NSW Government is investing in infrastructure projects that deliver positive social, environmental and recreational outcomes, while promoting community

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