Return to Play Update – June 2

Dear AFL Community Clubs and local stakeholders,
The NSW Government has announced that Junior leagues can return to play from the 1st of July. The Hunter Central Coast AFL Board will meet tomorrow to determine a start date and season length for the local competition. We will continue to work closely with AFL NSW/ACT and the NSW State Government to provide further clarity regarding the return of senior competitions and we will communicate details as soon as we have them.
The HCCAFL Board will work to ensure our return to competition play is done in an effective and safe manner in adherence with the NSW Public Heath Order and AFL Return to Play Framework (RTP Framework). Next week, AFL NSW/ACT will publish Return to Contact Training and Competition Play Protocols in- line with the RTP Framework to inform and educate clubs.
We will continue to work with clubs and councils to confirm venue availability and revised access conditions as we move towards return to training and play.
At this stage AFL NSW/ACT is seeking additional guidance from the NSW Government regarding spectators and use of canteens, and we will communicate about these matters as soon as information is available.
The AFL NSW/ACT is continuing to work closely with the AFL, AFL Clubs and other State bodies regarding the resumption of Talent Development Programs and will provide a further update in due course.
A friendly reminder also that all clubs need to appoint a COVID Safety Officer that is responsible for ensuring protocols are adhered to and participants can return to a safe and well managed environment. If you haven’t already nominated a COVID Safety officer please do so and advise Simon Smyth and David Redden.
Updates and resources can be found on the AFL NSW/ACT website but please be advised that all decisions regarding the Hunter Central Coast competition will be made by our Board and advised to you through myself or Acting Board Secretary David Redden.
We understand there are many challenges and a lot of work ahead to make the 2020 season happen, but we are determined to work together with you to ensure our friends, families and communities can remain active and connected through our great sport.