Finals Venues Announced – Juniors and Seniors

The AFL Hunter Central Coast are pleased to announce the following venues for this years finals series for both Juniors and Seniors competitions.
Games to be played at each venue will be confirmed in the coming week and published on footyweb by Monday October 5.
Semi Finals (Saturday October 10)
Adelaide Street Oval
Pasterfield Sports Complex
Dick Burwell Oval
Grand Finals (Saturday October 17):
Adelaide Street Oval
Bateau Bay Sports Facility
Semi Finals (Sunday October 11)
Lisarow Sporting Precinct
Don Small Oval
Feighan Oval 1 and 2
Pasterfield Sports Complex
Max McMahon Oval
Grand Finals (Sunday October 18):
Hylton Moore Oval
Ferodale Oval
Tulkaba Park
Best of luck to all competing teams.
Thanks to all clubs who expressed interest in hosting finals in 2020.