AFL Hunter Central Coast – Competition Update (Thursday, 30 July)

The league have been working closely with all clubs in the Port Stephens and Nelson Bay region over the last week following the positive testing of a Nelson Bay Marlins Under 9s player for COVID-19. The decisions below in relation to the Round 3 fixtures for all clubs have been made in consultation with the clubs, the league are here to support our clubs during this unprecedented season.
All postponed competitive games (COVID or weather related) will be rescheduled, while any non-competitive games (Under 9s) will be cancelled.
The following fixture adjustments have been made for Round 3:
Mandatory fixture amendments based on close contact confirmation by HNEH:
1. Nelson Bay Under 9s fixture for Round 3 will be cancelled.
Additional fixture amendments and information:
2. The Newcastle City Sky Blue Under 9s will recommence this weekend, match as fixtured.
3. The Nelson Bay Senior club will recommence this weekend, all matches as fixtured.
4. The Port Stephens Junior club will recommence this weekend, all matches as fixtured.
5. The Nelson Bay Junior club will have all games postponed (including joint ventures) for Round 3.
Further to this the league will not appoint any umpires for matches in Round 3 from the Nelson Bay Junior Club.
We ask everyone in our football community to adhere to all local health authority advice regarding the matter, including casual contacts. Additional information on up to date COVID-19 case location and testing information for NSW is available via the NSW Health Website – CLICK HERE
For more information on the AFL NSW/ACT return to play protocols – CLICK HERE