AFL Hunter Central Coast – Competition Update (Friday, 24 July)

In response to the positive testing of a Nelson Bay Marlins Under 9’s player for COVID -19, the AFL Hunter Central Coast would like to provide you with an update on the impacts of this situation:
AFL Hunter Central Coast is working closely with Hunter New England Health (HNEH) and the Nelson Bay Marlins regarding an Under 9s player who has been diagnosed with COVID-19.
We ask everyone in our football community to adhere to all local health authority advice regarding the matter, including casual contacts. Additional information on up to date COVID-19 case location and testing information for NSW is available via the NSW Health Website – CLICK HERE
The following fixture adjustments have been made in response:
Mandatory fixture amendments based on close contact confirmation by HNEH:
1. Nelson Bay Under 9s fixtures for Round 2 and 3 will be cancelled
Additional fixture amendments and information:
2. The Newcastle City Sky Blues that played Nelson Bay last weekend have requested the Sky Blue Under 9s game be cancelled this weekend (Round 2), with the team also not training ahead of a possible game in Round 3. The league is supportive of the request, as such the Newcastle City Sky Blue Under 9s game in Round 2 will be cancelled. The league wishes to thank Newcastle City Junior club for their openness and dialogue related to this matter.
3. Further to the above, the league has confirmed in consultation with Nelson Bay (seniors and juniors) and Port Stephens clubs, all Round 2 fixtures involving teams from these clubs (both home and away) will be postponed.
4.The league will work closely with all impacted clubs to re-schedule competitive games when appropriate, noting that opportunities may exist either mid-week or during the October 4 bye round.
5. In addition, no umpires from the Nelson Bay or Port Stephens areas will be appointed to fixtures in Round 2.
The league will review fixtures for all teams from Nelson Bay (seniors and juniors) and Port Stephens clubs along with the Under 9’s Sky Blue Newcastle City team ahead of Round 3.
The league wishes to thank the Nelson Bay Marlins and Newcastle City Junior clubs for their well-prepared COVID-19 Safety Plan, which has allowed for swift contact tracing to occur. Further to this the league along with AFL NSW/ACT also wishes to pass on our collective thoughts and wish a speedy recovery to the Nelson Bay Under 9s player diagnosed with COVID-19.
For more information on the AFL NSW/ACT return to play protocols – CLICK HERE