Wallsend West Newcastle Seniors 2019 Preview

Wallsend-West Newcastle Swans


With our player ranks increasing, a number of new faces and a crew that has been training since late last year, 2019 will be a new beginning for The Swans… this will be our baptism of fire when we will shine. I look forward to Round 3, our first home game at ‘The Swamp’ – Bill Elliott Oval, against our inaugural 2018 rivals Port Stephens.

How’s Preseason going?
The 2019 Preseason has been a great start this time around. Given 2018 we didn’t have one at all its been great to see the focus on getting our players fitter, stronger and faster, and now we’ve moved into developing good all-round skills in each player.

Biggest surprise packet in 2019?
For the Women our biggest surprise has been the number of early registrations compared to 2018 when we struggled for players from game to game. In 2019 we have changed our tactics and Club philosophy and we’ve seen a huge improvement in numbers at training who are keen to 2019 party started.

For the Men’s team, being able to secure good quality players from different areas around the country.


The numbers registered and the enthusiasm of all the players has been amazing to see, add that with seeing the level of skill in the team improving each week shows me this will be a much better year for us.

Darren Bird – Women’s Senior Coach

Who has been lighting up preseason/which player is the one to watch in 2019?
A number of the first-year players have shown some significant promise but none more than Indigo Ryan. Watching her performance during the trial matches, as well as seeing how much she has contributed to training, will ensure she will be someone who will be flying under the radar in the first few rounds.

Big Ins: Number of players registered this season – we will be able to run a bench for the first time in Wallsend West Newcastle game history

Big Outs: Several of our key players from 2018 haven’t been able to return to the team due to work or injuries.

Who is the team to beat in 2019?
Wyong Magpies – being able to make the Grand Final in 2018 and not much of a disruption to their playing line-up heading into the season lends them great opportunity to make a big impression in 2019.


Looking forward to continuing to build on from last season with better numbers and depth; really looking forward to the Cleaver Cup against Newcastle City.

Big Ins: Bosch and Johnzo will give us a big boost in the midfield.

Big Outs: No big outs just work commitments and reduction in availability of our strongest.

Who is the team to beat in 2019?
Newcastle City and Terrigal-Avoca as always, will be up there, with Muswellbrook as the dark horse.


Being able to play a preseason trial game against Killarney Vale and The Entrance Bateau Bay gave us some great insight to player positions and where we needed to focus out training on. With wet conditions and a number of brand-new players this gave us a challenge that we needed before the season starts.

We would like to thank the Family Hotel and Bodyworx for their continued support.